The demand for personal training is at an all-time high, but many of the options out there don’t give you all the tools you need to get the results that you want. It’s essential to know about diet, exercise, rest days, and supplements, but the plan must be tailored to you. Everyone is different, so one plan won’t work for everyone. This is where ERA Fit comes in. Whether you want personal training Miami, or would prefer to do everything online, the ERA Fit platform is the way forward.
Food Plans
On your personal page, there will be a food and nutrition plan just for you, and this will be created based on your free consultation. You don’t just see what foods are good and what foods are bad. ERA Fit gives you a breakdown of how many carbs you should be eating each day, how much protein and fiber you need, and your overall calorie intake. This is all based on your current state, how active you are, and what your goals are. There is also space to log your meals and to plan them.
Fitness Plan
If you opt for personal training in Miami, then you will meet your coach in the gym, but if you have opted for online personal training, you still get access to a personalized training plan. Again, this will be based on the results of your consultation and your ability. You get access to warm-ups, routines, and stretches, and you can fit them in around your routine. There’s also space to plan and log your workouts so that you stay on track and reach your goals.
Supplements aren’t for everyone, but your coach will tell you which ones would work best for you, and when to use them. They are not used as a quick fix solution. They are used to boost your results and provide you with the nutrients that your body may be lacking.
Meals To Your Door
If the thought of food prep panics you, then it’s highly recommended that you let the experts do it for you. There are hundreds of meals available, and with ERA Fit, you get a discount code to use as well. It means that you can spend more time planning your workouts without having to worry about cooking the right meals every day.
Personal training has never been easier! You are given all the resources and all the advice you need. All you need to do is follow the plan.